= Hörbeispiel in den Player ⇑ laden & spielen
Meine gesammelten Tonträger-Werke, in absteigender zeitlicher Reihenfolge, von jung nach alt.
Die Hörbeispiele reichen zurück bis ins Jahr 2002, es wurde dann doch etwas mühsam, alle Altlasten durchzuhören und daraus dann Beispiele zu basteln.

Joanne Shaw Taylor
White Sugar
Mastering 2009
Steve Hooks
Double Fun
Mix | Mastering 2007
Four Men Terror
50 Years Fonda Pepe | Live-Concert zum Jubiläum
Mix 2003
Recording | Mix | Mastering 2002
Anja M. Osthoff
Das Tibetische Totenbuch
Mastering 2002
Jana Lanka
Jana Lanka (Enhanced CD)
Recording (partly) | Mix | Mastering 2001
Steve Hooks & Too Cold
66 Minutes Of Joy
Recording | Mix | Mastering 2001
Organized Noise
Reverse-Guitar | Mastering 2001
Vos Iz Vikhtik? (LIVE)
Recording (partly) 2001
Rita Graham
Live At The Sambuca Atlanta
Add. Recording | Mix | Mastering 2001
Creative Intelligence Agency
Guitars | B. Vocals | Edits | Recording (partly) | Mix (partly) 2001
Morscheck & Burgmann
Recording (partly) | Mix | Mastering 2000
The Croonettes
Swing A Dingle
Recording (partly) 2000
Redstu Yiddish?
Mix 1999
Franz Benton
Ungeschminkt II
Mix 1999
Sam Gopal
Father Mucker ...Rhythm On A Tightrope
Recording (partly) | Mix | Mastering 1999
Uli Eisner
No Headroom!
Guitars | Hammond & Keys | Programming | VocalsRecording | Mix | Mastering 1998

Morscheck & Burgmann
Ten Tickets For Two Roads
Gitarren-Übungsbuch mit CD

Maidrin Ruá
In Concert
Recording | Mix | Mastering 1998
Abi von Reininghaus
King Of Heart
Recording (all guitars) 1997
Down At The Dizzy Heights
Mix 1997
Cheap Shot &
The Upstage Horns
Recording | Mix | Mastering 1997

Morscheck & Burgmann
Recording (Drums) | Mix | Mastering 1997
The Very Best Of
Recording | Mix | Mastering 1997
Luther Allison
Where Have You Been?
Live In Montreux 1976 - 1994

Wolle Kriwanek
Stuttgart Kommt - Offizielle VfB-Hymne
Recording | Mix-assistance 1996
Joanna Connor
Big Girl Blues
Recording | Mix | Mastering 1996
Jeni Williams Group
Hammond | Keyboards | Recording | Mix | Producing 1996
Rabbit Hill
Carrots And Sticks
Recording | Mix | Co-Producing 1996
Dr. Mablues &
The Detail Horns
Rollin' Down The Road
Mix 1995
Wolle Kriwanek Band
Gute Unterhaltung
Recording | Mix-assistance 1995
Paul Vincent Gunia
Recording (partly) | Mix (partly) 1995
El Viento Canta Para Todos
Mix 1994
Roman Leykam / Frank Mark
Mix 1994
Wolle Kriwanek Band
Bescht Of... Live
Recording | Edits 1993
Morscheck & Burgmann
Con Takt
Recording (partly) | Mix 1993
Maggie Parke
Paradox Love / Titelsong Serie "Morlock"
Recording | Edits | Mix 1993
Wolle Kriwanek Band
Hot Wollé
Recording | Mix (partly) 1992
Etta Scollo
Stai / Titelsong "Schimanski's Waffe"
Recording (partly) 1990
Roman Leykam / Frank Mark
Ghost / Way Of Thinking
Recording | Mix 1989